A impressive Idemticos’ and ‘En Bici’ morning in two schools in Fuenlabrada thanks to Ángela Domínguez and Raúl Vallinot

The infant and primary schools Greenpeace and Pablo Neruda in the Madrid town of Fuenlabrada hosted this Tuesday a series of talks led by Raúl Vallinot and Ángela Domínguez in which they addressed various issues about the reality of adapted sport and cycling that connect in a core way with the contents of our projects EnBici and Idemticos.

The meeting, which is part of the Inclusive Sport and Diversity activities recurrently promoted by the Department of Sports of the Fuenlabrada City Council, was very well received and aroused great interest among the students of both centres. The Idemticos project also provided the students with a physical example of a tandem, tricycle and handbike from its fleet.

Issues such as the particularities of adapted cycling, the typology of existing bicycles, the importance of the helmet as a protective element or how the different signs are made when riding a bicycle in an urban environment were some of the aspects addressed during the morning session.

Ángela Domínguez, a paracyclist living in Fuenlabrada and one of the great activists in raising awareness of Tourette syndrome, a disease suffered by one of her sons, through the club ‘Pedaladas contra el Tourette’, also took part in the day with her exceptional slogan ‘I have a disability, but she doesn’t have me’.

Fuenlabrada City Council was represented by Isidoro Ortega, Councillor for Education and Open Government, and Juan Agustín Domínguez, Councillor for Sport and Healthy Living, while Henar García, head of the social area of the Contador Foundation, was present.