A special edition Decedario Gym Fundación Contador in collaboration with Diana de Arias related to World Stroke Day

With its roots in 2024, World Stroke Day has been celebrated every 29 October since 2006. A day of awareness and vindication of one of the most harmful pathologies that currently affects human beings. Stroke, the most commonly heard heart attack or stroke in the past, has been the second leading cause of death worldwide for years, and the leading cause of death among women in Spain; it also has the worrying peculiarity that it is a highly disabling phenomenon for survivors. A healthy, active lifestyle, with a correct diet and without the presence of alcohol or tobacco, has been shown to greatly reduce the possibility of suffering a case.
Within the framework of the 2024 edition of World Stroke Day, the Decedario Gym by Fundación Contador is born, a special edition of the cognitive stimulation method developed by the entrepreneur Diana de Arias, an Ictus survivor from Alicante who, after recovering from a very serious case suffered when she was only 23 years old and had to relearn how to speak, eat or walk, devoted herself body and soul to improve both the quality of life of patients and their recovery process.

The Decedario Gym by Fundación Contador, aimed at people of all ages, has a double impact. On the one hand, to serve as a game to raise awareness of stroke, its consequences and the importance of cognitive training, with the added bonus of doing it with the family. On the other hand, to emerge as a resource for cognitive training not only for patients, but also for their environment. The box, its cards and instructions are accompanied by a QR code through which to access complementary activities and games.
‘Since we met Diana, a few years ago, and also during an event linked to World Stroke Day, it was clear to us that we had to join forces in the common goal of raising awareness against stroke and mitigating its consequences. Diana is a survivor who has been able to turn the rawness and pain of her life experience around and transform it into a guide and a handhold for other people living in the same situation in which she found herself so young. And she has done it with wonderful positivity, joy and enthusiasm. Diana is an example’, says Henar García, head of the Foundation’s social area.