Bicis para la Vida by Škoda sends half a hundred bicycles to those affected by the DANA in Benetússer

The Contador Foundation, through its project Bicis para la Vida by Škoda, travelled again this Tuesday to the outskirts of the city of Valencia to deliver and distribute 54 bicycles to those affected by the DANA of 29 October in the town of Benetússer. This expedition, the fourth one undertaken directly by the project, has been especially possible thanks to the collaboration of the company AVIS, which provided a van free of charge, and to the anonymous financial contributions that have wanted to collaborate with the fuel costs generated by a journey of these characteristics.

In addition to all the donations collected by Bicis para la Vida by Škoda through deliveries to the Seur Foundation’s centres, the group also received twenty bicycles from the solidarity mechanics workshops organised in the Madrid town of Coslada by the Asociación Vecinal La Espinilla, the Asociación de Profesionales de Educación Vial de la Comunidad de Madrid and Charmo Sant Bikes; and the six that have been assembled and tuned up by the workers of the company Peri Global Support. These units were also accompanied by emotional messages of encouragement from the workers and their families.

In total, between all the contributions, 80 bicycles have been delivered in Benetússer. With this figure, the four Bikes for Life by Skoda expeditions have sent four hundred bicycles to different locations in the affected area, such as Picanya, Paiporta, Albal and Alfafar. This trip has also served to transport to the area different gifts of both material and toys. In this sense, the company WD-40 delivered a pallet full of its lubricant products for the maintenance and correct functioning of the bikes. As logistical support for the loading, unloading and distribution of this shipment, the Idemticos project ambassador Carlos Javier Mozos and Álex, a cycling-loving Airbus worker who personally did not hesitate to use some of his free time to share his mechanical skills as a volunteer in the setting up of the material, also took part in this trip.

Among the recipients of this day were Dylan and his father. ‘Thanks to the bike I will be able to go to school, it was not easy for us right now’, he said. ‘We are very happy, this bike is great for him to be able to go to school and go for walks’, says his father.

Laura, who has been one of the recipients in a previous delivery, was pedalling past the delivery area. She did not hesitate to take advantage of the moment to share a message with all of you who donated material: ‘I am very grateful for the work you are doing, the people who donate bicycles. You don’t just give bicycles, you give faith, you give hope, you give love, you give values… You give us a lot. My life has also changed, I am one of many people who have lost their car and now I am getting around by bicycle. Cycling is even giving me joy. Being donated, the gratitude is much greater. I am very happy that there are so many good people in the world.

All these donations are part of the synergic cooperation between Do You Bike, Todo Bici Valencia, Vuelta de Tuerca Bike Shop, Esportactiu, Cicloesfera, Cáritas Valencia and the solidarity initiative of the ultra-distance athlete and cancer activist Juan Dual. Although it has been possible to make some progress in supporting the mobility of the victims, there is still a lot of work ahead. And at different levels.