

Coslada welcomes one more year the academies peloton with the Trofeo Amistad

One of the big events in the calendar, when ‘big’ means ‘classic’ and tradition. Academies cycling is grateful for all the possible calendar, but of course it needs those events with deep roots, years of existence and landmark dates. In Coslada this comes to pass through the hand of its Unión Ciclista Coslada and the Trofeo Amistad, an event that this Sunday 2 June celebrated no less than its 46th edition in the increasingly common circuit of the Barrio del Puerto, next to the Humedal and in the vicinity of Vicálvaro. The Plaza Éboli Cycling Academy did not miss the event, represented by a large expedition of participants and family members who contributed to the atmosphere and warmth of a cool morning in its early stages.

[📷 @juanfrandelacruz]