

Donation and collection in La Rioja before the visit to the Vuelta a España caravan

The Bicis para la Vida by Škoda project, promoted by the Contador Foundation and the Czech automobile company, took advantage of its trip to La Rioja, where this Friday it will visit the start of the Vuelta a España stage to collect donations of unused bikes that fans want to give, to make a delivery of material for the projects of the Municipal Shelter Centre of the Logroño City Council. Up to 24 bicycles, among other materials, were deposited in their facilities.

Afterwards, the Foundation’s expedition went to the Palacio de los Deportes in Logroño to collect a batch of bikes, 28, collected by the Riojan Triathlon Federation, the van rental company EbroRent, the Logroño shop Pasión Ciclista and the Haro Local Police, an institution that in April 2021 already donated 27 bicycles to this project.