

Idemticos ambassadors Alejandro Montero and José Manuel Dosdad ride the Gravel Tour Segovia

Starting in La Lastrilla, in the outskirts of the provincial capital, and finishing next to the iconic Aqueduct, this Sunday September 15 was held a second edition of the ‘Gravel Tour Segovia, from Pirón to the Fuente Plateada’ in which the Idemticos project of the Contador Foundation had the double representation of its ambassadors José Manuel Dosdad and Alejandro Montero. The race in 2023 was known as Vuelta a Segovia Gravel.

Both the Barcelona-born rider, who lives in Granada, and the Madrid-born rider are two regular practitioners of this emerging discipline. Dosdad tackled the long-distance course, 63 kilometres with more than 800 metres of positive elevation gain, which he completed in three and a half hours. Montero, for his part, completed a 104-kilometre long-distance run with more than 1,600 metres of accumulated positive altitude gain, which presented the great difficulty of an ascent to the 1,681-metre high point of the climb between Collado Hermoso and Molino del Romo. An undertaking in which he spent a little over five hours.

‘The route was very cool. A very gravel race, with a really tough climb at the end due to the broken terrain and the steepness of the slope. For us it was a very pleasant experience to be able to share some moments of the route with two great cyclists like Pedro Delgado and Dori Ruano’, said Montero.