#BicisParaLaVidaBySKODA #Sinergias
Volunteers from the Amazon centre in Illescas take part in a bicycle repair workshop to donate bicycles to those affected by the DANA

A representation of workers from the Amazon logistical centre in the town of Illescas in Toledo went this Thursday to the facilities of the Bicis para la Vida by Škoda project with the aim of participating in a bicycle repair workshop that will have a totally charitable purpose. The delegation of the multinational leader in the e-commerce sector worked on repairing, adjusting and tuning many of the bicycles that this initiative of the Contador Foundation has received in recent weeks.

All this material has been received as part of the appeal to help the mobility of those affected by the DANA that devastated three weeks ago l’Horta Sud, among other Valencian regions. Jesús López and Borja Fernández, mechanics and fitters from Aurum Bikes, were in charge of giving the guidelines to the participants. Their colleague Fernando Alberquilla also supported them with his skills on the orientations.

After a first shipment of a hundred bicycles and the channelling of many others in a joint synergy with Valencian companies and institutions, such as DoYouBike, A Vuelta de Tuerca Bike Shop and TodoBiciValencia, Bicis para la Vida by Škoda is finalising preparations for a new shipment to the area of all the material being donated by the population. A process in which the logistical support of the SEUR Foundation is proving key.

Amazon’s is the latest corporate volunteering experience of a Bicis para la Vida by Škoda project that has been helped by the support of the AMP crew, Fundación El Buen Samaritano, the Caixabank Foundation, Avis Rent a Car and Aurum Bikes.