Adapted cycling comes to the MEDAC classrooms in Fuenlabrada thanks to En Bici and Idemticos

New day to raise awareness and training on the reality of adapted cycling. The projects En Bici and Idemticos of the Contador Foundation met this Thursday at the facilities of the Official Institute of Vocational Training MEDAC in Fuenlabrada to give a training workshop on their realities, their idiosyncrasies and their particularities.
Raúl Vallinot, an adapted sportsman and one of the ambassadors of the Idemticos project, once again demonstrated his great communicative and pedagogical skills during a session that lasted more than two hours in response to the students’ questions. One of the handbikes from the Idemticos project’s fleet of vehicles made some specific explanations much easier and could also be tried out by some particularly interested young people.

‘Teacher of the day’ Vallinot says about the experience: ‘In the end, the keys are the same: hard work, perseverance. Many of the kids were surprised and struck by the fact that people, despite their difficulties or functional diversities, could continue to fight in the practice of a sport. Also about the price of the bikes or other curiosities. In the end, they are girls and boys between 16 and 20 years old, a generation that thinks that everything is on the mobile phone, that has grown up with these devices. Seeing life or the world through Instagram filters doesn’t give you a complete view. We talked a lot about cycling, adapted cycling. We had a kenpo karate world champion in the audience, as well as an amateur cyclist, a young man whose sister had suffered a serious traffic accident and was coping particularly badly on a psychological level… Overcoming, the spirit of overcoming, is extremely important for sport and for life’.
The MEDAC project was born in 2010 and among its founding objectives is the innovation of the proposed educational model, with a training dedicated to the employability of its students, for which they have collaboration agreements with more than 2,000 companies, and with a very important weight for the practical part. The degrees offered, both on-site and online, cover areas such as sport, health, IT, marketing, commerce and administration.