Alberto and Francisco Javier Contador, with the students of the Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid of the Universidad Europea

Alberto Contador, president of the Foundation that bears his name, and Fran Contador, manager of the same and general manager of the sports structures that it supports, starred this Monday, May 11, an online meeting with the 600 students of the Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid Universidad Europea.
A meeting directed by Manolo Sanchís, former captain of the football and international entity with the Spanish national team, currently co-director of the MBA in Sports Entity Management of the first Sports Postgraduate School in Spain with students from more than fifty countries. These academic experiences began this month of May with the participation of the Balearic tennis player Rafa Nadal and will continue with the well-known ‘White Week’.

In this meeting, held telematically, students have been able to formulate the most diverse questions. Questions that have covered multiple areas and that, depending on the subject, were resolved by one or another of the two guests.
In this sense, Fran has been able to approach and present how is the management of an entity like the Foundation or to expose which are the objectives in short, medium and long term with the sport structures. Alberto, on his part, was the recipient of interpellations of a more competitive nature, others related to leadership in a race, also several linked to the fundamental values that a sport like cycling brings and of course those directly related to his long professional career. There was no lack of questions on more specific aspects of nutrition or watts.
“It was a very interesting talk, a very entertaining experience. The students have been transmitting us their questions and Manolo Sanchís has been in charge of channeling them according to who could solve them in a clearer way. There were questions very linked to what is the management of an entity and others however with a much more sportive reading. We have made a good team”, says Fran Contador about the experience
(automatic translation, sorry for mistakes)