Alberto Contador collaborates with the ‘Yes We Talk’ initiative on mental health and work environments

The professional cyclist and sports commentator Alberto Contador has been one of the public faces who has collaborated with the ‘Yes We Talk’ initiative promoted by Amazon to demand the breaking of taboos in the workplace and to stimulate progress towards greater diversity, inclusion and equality in the workplace.
According to the study, conducted by Ipsos, 43% of Spaniards would like to have more freedom to talk about mental health in their work. Forty-six per cent are afraid to put their professional ambitions on the table. Any complex situation is susceptible to stress, and a comprehensive American Heart Association study published in the journal ‘Stroke’ in 2019 highlighted the link between the occurrence of stroke and work-related stress.

“Sometimes bosses feel it is a threat for their employees to express their goals and this is a mistake, as it is very important to have that energy and those ambitions,” he points out. “Insecurities, personal ambitions is a bit of a taboo subject, strangely enough, that many people don’t dare to talk about for fear of knowing whether it will fit in positively or not.”
Contador shared his experiences with the singer Mai Meneses (Nena Daconte), the actress and director Leticia Dolera and the model and actress Daniela Santiago. The Galician athlete Ana Peleteiro has also collaborated with this campaign.