

Bicis para la Vida by Škoda delivers five bicycles for the projects of the NGO Hogar Sí

An expedition of Bicis para la Vida by Škoda and the AMP Association moved this Monday afternoon to the facilities of the NGO Hogar Sí in Madrid to deposit five bicycles that will go to their various actions and projects with people at risk of social exclusion. With this material Hogar Sí provides another tool to help homeless people to find a job and to help their psychological recovery after a period of living on the streets.

Hogar Sí is a non-profit institution, independent and plural, with a state vocation, which began its activity in 1998 under the name of RAIS Foundation. In 2019 it changed its name to the current one, but regardless of this change it has worked intensely during these twenty-five years to prevent anyone from living on the street, a battlefield they have called homelessness.

It is estimated that more than 37,000 people are homeless in Spain alone, a figure that rises to 895,000 in the European Union as a whole. The member states committed themselves to ensuring that no one should have to live on the streets by 2030, and that their stay in emergency accommodation should be the minimum necessary in case of need, a commitment signed in 2021 in the Lisbon Declaration.

Homelessness is a structural problem; to solve it, these social, political and economic causes must be addressed. We are talking about people who have no support network, who have no one to turn to. The system, which is all of us, must guarantee their health and safety, and that can only be done in a home,’ Richard Gere said recently. The actor and his wife Alejandra, ambassadors of the project since 2015, became members of the Hogar Sí Foundation in April 2024.