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Report of Activities ‘Memoria de actividades 2022’ of the Fundación Alberto Contador

The Alberto Contador Foundation is a non-profit institution founded in May 2010 with the dual aim of raising awareness of stroke, the pathology suffered by Alberto Contador in 2004 when he was just 21 years old, and promoting cycling both educationally and in sport, focusing especially on the suitability of physical activity as a means of preventing this condition, as well as promoting sporting structures in different categories that provide both growth for the sport and development and opportunities for new talents.
Since its birth, year after year, season after season, these lines of work have not ceased to grow, to grow and to evolve from stability and commitment thanks to the work of many people and the support of many commercial companies and institutions. 2022 has been a year especially full of good moments in its long-standing intensity. That is why the Alberto Contador Foundation would like to invite you to consult its report of activities, a compilation made for the first time, through which you can learn more in detail about its social and sporting work.
The ‘Report of activities 2022’ is available (spanish languaje) for consultation and download at this link.