#AlbertoContador #BicisParaLaVidaBySKODA
The Fundación Alberto Contador Foundation and ‘La Mafia se sienta a la mesa’, together to collaborate on solidarity actions

The Italian restaurant chain ‘La Mafia se sienta a la mesa’ has reached a collaboration agreement with the Alberto Contador Foundation to support and collaborate in the Foundation’s solidarity initiatives, as well as to create new joint proposals both in the fight against stroke and in the promotion of cycling as a healthy means of transport.
Thanks to this agreement, its almost 40 restaurants in Spain will become collaborators of the Foundation through different formulas of solidarity action, one of which will be the transfer of 1 percent of the entrance fee paid by each new restaurant that joins the franchise.
The first solidarity events of La Mafia and the Contador Foundation will be two athletics races/clinics to be held in Zaragoza on 19 May and 15 June, focusing on the promotion of athletics in the family, with the participation of children and parents.

The Zaragoza Athletics Club will also collaborate in the organisation and training of the young participants. Registrations will have very popular prices and one euro from each registration will go to the sponsorship of the Foundation.
La Mafia will also collaborate in the Solidarity Dinner to be held in Pinto on June 14 to support the campaign ‘Bicis para la Vida’, in which the Alberto Contador Foundation works together with the Ananta Foundation, the Pinto Association of Disabled People and the Seur Foundation. La Mafia will offer free wine for this dinner.
“One of our slogans as a company is that of a family committed to sport”, says Elena Corzán, head of Social Action at La Mafia sits at the table and one of the architects of this collaboration agreement. “Hence our interest in collaborating with the Alberto Contador Foundation, because we want to link family, sport and healthy food, as well as contributing to the fight against stroke, a disease that touches us very closely and for which our company feels a very special sensitivity. Our social objectives and those of the Foundation coincide completely, not to mention the trust and respect that Alberto Contador inspires in us”.
Fran Contador, for his part, considers that the agreement reached with this chain of Italian restaurants “is a luxury and we are enormously grateful to ‘La Mafia’ for their desire to help and do things”. He also highlights his experience in solidarity actions with other NGOs. “It is good for us to work with a company with great experience in social actions and I think it is an agreement with a great future, which will unite the two entities for a long time, given the great harmony that exists between us”.