#BicisParaLaVidaBySKODA #EnBici #Sinergias
The Fundación Contador, with the large peloton that took to the streets of Titulcia on Saturday

Sensational Saturday morning in the streets of the Madrid town of Titulcia for cycling and fun. This town in the Las Vegas region, very close to the Jarama river, hosted the third edition of the Marcha Ciclista del CEIP Virgen del Rosario, a meeting in which a large peloton of about a hundred participants took part with the collaboration of the Movidep Foundation, the VAS Cycling Boutique and the Contador Foundation.

With the facilities of the CEIP Virgen del Rosario as the centre of operations, a mechanical workshop for the whole family was organised in its premises, which lasted an hour and a half. This was followed by a walking route through the surroundings of the town and the Soto Bayona. With the town council collaborating by giving an isotonic drink to all participants, the AMPA of the centre sold food in order to raise funds for the end of year trip of the sixth form students.

The Contador Foundation, through its project Bicis para la Vida by Škoda, present in Titulcia to publicise its activity, also wanted to collaborate with the development of the day by lending some bicycles so that all those interested who did not have resources could join the participants. “It has been a resounding success in terms of participation”, said the CEIP Virgen del Rosario.