Triple delivery in Malaga city for the initiatives of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR)

The Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA project travelled this Saturday to the city of Malaga to donate 23 bicycles to three of the centres that the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) has in the capital of the Costa del Sol.
Ten bicycles were delivered to the main centre of the NGO in the city, two more donations were distributed in the accommodation with which CEAR works in Málaga. Twenty-three bicycles managed by CEAR offer many possibilities for their humanitarian projects. “We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the donation made by the Alberto Contador Foundation as part of the Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA project. These 23 bicycles are not only an additional means of transport for CEAR users, but also a huge step on their difficult path towards full inclusion in society and access to employment”, says Francisco Cansino, territorial coordinator of CEAR in Eastern Andalusia.
The Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid is an NGO that has been working since 1979 with refugees and migrants, a group that due to their situation are at severe risk of social exclusion, to defend their rights, offer them protection, provide them with accommodation and facilitate a dignified daily life. Much of the donated material comes from Clear Channel’s recent generous contribution to the Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA project.
“One of the most important qualities of the Alberto Contador Foundation and specifically of the Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA Project is its cross-cutting nature, which is why we wanted to do something big, and different from the donations we have been making lately, we wanted to support one of the most vulnerable groups and at greatest risk of social exclusion that may be living at this time due to the social stigmatisation they are suffering, such as refugees”, explains Paco Romero, responsible for the project within the Foundation.
“The good relationship we have with CEAR has allowed us to provide bicycles to young people without resources, with two distinct objectives, one of them, to provide them with a leisure tool, so important for them considering that they come from territories where conflicts are their “daily bread”; and, on the other hand, to offer them an element of transport that allows them to join the labour market, and help them to get that second chance they have come to look for. With this multiple delivery in different parts of the national geography we want to demonstrate the commitment of the Contador Foundation with society in general and with the most disadvantaged groups in particular”, he says.