#BicisParaLaVidaBySKODA #Sinergias
Bicis para la Vida by Škoda collaborates with the Caixabank Volunteering Social Month through a mechanics workshop

Extraordinary and exciting synergy experienced this week by the Caixabank Volunteering plan. As part of the second edition of its ‘Social Month’, the financial institution has worked with the Bicis para la Vida by Škoda initiative of the Fundación Contador to hold a project on basic bike mechanics and bike tuning, an action to improve the lives of people and groups in situations of vulnerability. In addition to stimulating active participation, the main objective of this synergy is to experience first-hand the benefit, often imperceptible but always real, that a solidarity action brings and contributes, whatever it may be.
Thanks to this lively turnout, a team of passionate volunteers was able to learn first-hand about the work of Bicis para la Vida, how the bicycles are received through the Seur Foundation and, in short, what the day-to-day running of the project is like. Jesús and Borja, mechanics and fitters from the bicycle firm AURUM and also volunteers in the programme, acted as teachers, gave a class on basic mechanics and supervised the subsequent work of all the volunteers, whose repairs resulted in a batch of bicycles that will be delivered in the near future.
Caixabank’s Social Month is a volunteering project that encompasses dozens of actions spread throughout Spain. The programme, which was launched in its current configuration in 2023, is an ambitious spatial-temporal evolution of the previously known as ‘Social Week’. The main aim of this redefinition was to increase the number of actions and involve more people, both employees and ex-employees of Caixabank as well as family members and external people, whether customers or not, willing to do their bit. A stimulus to collaboration and synergy with the incentive of a time limit of 31 days. Caixabank Volunteering is one of the largest volunteering initiatives in Spain and its purpose is to bring the practice of solidarity actions to all citizens.
For 2024, Caixabank’s Social Month proposes more than 2,600 activities with which people can collaborate and which they can help. A figure made possible by the work of its branch network and the supervision of the area offices with local and regional social entities. In 2023, it managed to mobilise more than 13,600 people throughout the country, participating in more than 2,300 activities through a thousand social entities with which it worked closely. The offer has increased by 14.7% compared to last year, which shows the involvement of citizens and associations in generating a beneficial impact on the community.