
#BicisParaLaVidaBySKODA #Sinergias

Bicis para la Vida by Škoda supports XVI Road Safety School Contest of Ávila’s City

The children of today will be the drivers of tomorrow, which is why it is essential that children receive training in all matters related to road safety. Correct education not only puts an end to biases and misinterpretations, but also lays the foundations for an ideal coexistence between the different road users, whether they are urban or interurban. The role of the bicycle in the mobility of the future, no longer as a leisure or sporting activity, will be key because of its sustainability and its benefits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The Bicis para la Vida by Škoda project of the Contador Foundation collaborated with the Movidep Foundation in the 2024 edition of the Road Safety School Contest of Ávila´s City, one of the oldest competitions of this kind in Spain, which takes place throughout the school year in the facilities of the Municipal Road Safety Education Park of the capital of Avila, inaugurated in the late sixties, located in the surroundings of the Santo Antonio Park and which is coordinated by the municipal agent Margarita Martín; This cooperation consisted in the delivery of three of the bicycles donated by Moma Bikes, which had recently been set up by the volunteers of Caixabank’s Social Action Month, and with which the three final winners of this edition were awarded. More than a hundred pupils took part this year, with 46 pupils from 23 schools taking part in the final phase.

Patricia López, from CEIP Santa Teresa, Jorge Muñoz, from CEIP Santo Tomás and Álex de Pablos, from IES Vasco de la Zarza, were the winners. The award ceremony was attended by Jesús Manuel Sánchez, Mayor of Ávila, as well as a large representation of members of the Municipal Corporation, the Local Police, the Civil Protection Corps, the Provincial Traffic Headquarters and the Provincial Education Department.