The CEIP Pedro López de Lerena receives a fortnight of mountain bikes

The project Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA made a new delivery of material during this month of February in the Madrid town of Valdemoro. The CEIP Pedro López de Lerena received fifteen mountain bikes from the Fundación Alberto Contador with which this educational center will be able to reinforce its physical education classes.
The promotion of the practice of cycling, not as a sport but as a means of locomotion and as a tool for daily use for transport in cities and towns, is another of the foundational objectives of the Fundación Alberto Contador. A goal that connects with the educational project of López de Lerena, a centre that promotes referential physical activity within the framework of the Community of Madrid.
It is not the first time that Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA collaborates with this educational center that began its journey in 1985 and that, a declaration of intentions from the onomastic point of view, bears the name of the founder of the public schools in the municipality of Valdemoro. During last year and made a first donation of material that allowed the development of the cyclist facet within the educational program ‘Know the sport’ (‘Conoce el deporte’ into spanish).
“We are a school that promotes physical activity and sport, we have four physical education sessions a week, and through ‘Know the sport’ we want to show girls and boys other alternatives beyond football,” explains Alberto Sánchez, director of the center. “We always try to have some professional or semi-professional sportsman of rugby, handball, hockey, American football, and so on. When it came to cycling, we had the close reference of Alberto Contador, because Pinto is here next door, and so we contacted Jacinto Vidarte, his press chief. He liked our project, what we were doing and he helped us so that Bicis para la Vida could send us a series of bicycles for some activities that we had planned last year, a meeting with different students of Valdemoro. Alberto Contador made us a video of gratitude… Everything went great and the kids were delighted, super happy”.
This second donation comes to boost the development and expansion of ‘Know the sport’. “For this course we continue working with the program and we want to extend it to all first, from first to sixth. Once again, Bicis para la Vida has helped us to continue promoting the use of bicycles among our students. Thanks to the donation of the Fundación Alberto Contador we are achieving our goals in terms of promoting physical education among our students,” concludes Sánchez.
(automatic translation, sorry for mistakes)