The Community of Madrid thanks and acknowledges the work of Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA

Alberto San Juan, Director General of the Family and Minors of the Community of Madrid, department dependent on the Department of Social Policies and Family, went this Thursday to the facilities of the Center for Reception of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENAS) of the Casa de Campo in Madrid to see the developments of the recent donation of fifteen bicycles by the project Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA and, at the same time, thank the Fundación Alberto Contador for its gesture with the presentation of a commemorative trophy.
“Initiatives such as these contribute to improving the adaptation process of these children with whom the Community of Madrid works daily to help them in their new life project, when they are experiencing moments of special difficulty in leaving their families and fleeing their countries of origin”, explained Sanjuán during a visit in which he was able to supervise the facilities of the Richard Shirrmann youth hostel, reconverted since last February into the home of half a hundred young people, mainly Maghrebi and Sub-Saharan.
Managed by the Diagrama Foundation, the centre of the Casa de Campo finds in the donated bicycles an excellent tool for the leisure and transport of young people in an environment of great scenic and environmental value.
At the same time, Bicis para la Vida by ŠKODA delivered eight other bicycles that need some repairs so that the young people of the centre can receive a series of training workshops on mechanics, repair and maintenance. Next week, a training workshop will be given by Armando Ortego, the head mechanic of the different sports structures of the Fundación Alberto Contador.